What do our desires give birth to? What are the natural offspring of the internal desires that we have? In this season of lent we remember that we are imperfect people. From the series Temptation, at Apostles Raleigh.
James 1:12-18
John 13:21-37
Temptation: Anything that comes into our life that leads us to disbelieve or disobey God; or provides an opportunity to walk in greater faith or obedience with God.
Biblical blessing is a deep sense of lasting happiness, not a situational happiness. That can only come to us from God.
God does not tempt us. It is our desire to sin that leads us to sin.
It’s the action of a good father to know that a child will make mistakes and be ready with mercy and grace when we do.
God allows us to encounter temptation, but God does not cause the temptation to occur.
Sin Sequence
Desire > Conception > Birth > Full-Growth > Death
The full grown power of sin gets in start in a place that is small and innocent. Our small desires mean a lot over time.
Major moral failures begin with slow, small steps over time.
While sin drags us away, the Word of Truth brings us back toward the Father.
Jesus’ aim is to use James’ words to lead us out of darkness and shame and into light, life, and peace.
God the Father sends Jesus as the word of Truth.
Forgiveness > Obedience by the Holy Spirit > Reborn > Raised to Life
Confession is essential Christian worship.
Honest and humble confession interrupts the sin sequence and provides the way toward healing.
Let God’s word regularly preform surgery on us. Let it cut into us and removes the bad parts.